Life Done Differently - The Podcast


Some of you might have picked up on some mentions in recent blogs and social posts of an excited new project I’m working on. I’m super excited to finally share it with you. As the title suggests,

I’m launching a new Podcast.

Ever since I made the decision to leave ‘normal’ and do life differently, I’ve met and connected with many other amazing people who are living alternative lifestyles. A while ago, I started to share the stories of some of the people I meet here on my blog and in stories I write for Motorhomes, Caravans & Destinations.

However, while I love writing, I always felt that some of the best parts of the interviews and conversations I had with people just didn’t translate very well into written words. I often felt like the conversations where so much more powerful than the written stories. So often I walked away from interviews with new insights, a new perspective and just feeling really inspired by what the people had shared with me.

I wanted a better way to share that with others. 

And so for a while now, I’ve been thinking about starting a podcast where I interview people, instead of just writing articles about them. That way, people can hear the whole conversation and not just my interpretation of it. 

The other reason I loved the idea of a podcast is that it means I can interview people from all over the world, not just ones here in New Zealand. And that’s something I’m really looking forward to. 

So what can you expect from this Podcast? My goal is to share an episode every week. I’ve already recorded five so I might share a few extra ones in the next couple of weeks.

In each episode, I will chat with someone who is doing life differently.

It’s really important to me to share a wide variety of different lifestyles, so expect to hear from people living on off-grid properties, in vans or on boats, people who travel full-time, people who chose very unusual careers, people who left the corporate world to start their own businesses as well as people who made small and simple changes in their life to have more time for the things they love. 

If you’re a regualr reader of my blog, you know I love talking about human emotions, personal growth and happiness so expect these conversations to be about more than just what these people are doing, where and how. We will dig much deeper than that. 

The first episode is now live and shared the story of a french couple who are travelling the world without using planes and while spending on average 3 euros a day.

I’ve loved talking to these two and the other people I’ve interviewed so far and can’t wait to share their stories with you.

You can listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and, hopefully soon, Google Podcasts – Or right here on my website. Follow the button below to listen now.